An international workshop for all those interested in theatre arts!

The workshop titled The Labyrinth of Dreaming Objects is inspired by the literary work of Walter Moer concerning his vision of a great city neighbourhood solely inhabited by puppet artists. The workshop is thematically focused on object animation, with special attention to usage of words in the context of a given object. The goal of the workshop is to form a space of creativity in which all actions are subject to the art of awakening objects from dreaming!

The final workshop presentation will feature in the main programme of the Bábkarská Bystrica TOUR 2016 on the last day of the festival – 4th October - at 10:00 AM
Workshop is organized in cooperation with SNM-Muzeum of Puppetry and Toys in Modrý Kameň.


Robert Jarosz, a Polish theatre director/dramatist who divides his time between working at the theatre and teaching at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw and the Puppetry Art Department of the Białystok Theatre Academy. Currently, he is Artistic Director of the Guliwer Puppet Theatre in Warsaw. Jarosz is an award-winning director of theatre productions for young audiences, para-theatrical projects, installations and performances. 

Justyna Czarnota, a Polish theatre pedagogue. In 2010 she joined the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw where she currently heads the department of theatre pedagogics. She is a member of the Association of Theatre Pedagogues and a research fellow of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland. Czarnota designs original projects aimed at spreading education and culture.
