10.00, TOUR, House oF Cultrue Braväcovo
Montecchio Emilia (IT)
K. Janošková, P. Valli
Through Seagulls’ Eyes
45 min., for children over 2 years
Choreography: C. Monti
Directors & cast: K. Janošková, P. Valli
L’Asina Sull’Isolaranks among the most prominent theatre companies in Italy that specialise in puppet theatre in combination with shadow theatre. This is their first appearance at our festival. Through Seagulls’ Eyes is a story of two seagulls that yearned to fly from the seashore to explore the dryland. A poetic show about friendship and getting to know the world, the sea, the moon, the stars and the rocks, the production is almost mute as it speaks mostly through sounds, music, body movement and, of course, playing with lights and shadows.
17.30, Dance studio theatre
Givatayim (IL)
50 min.
Art direction and production: R. Saporta
Music: R. Yarkoni
Set design: Y. Zadok
Puppets: S. Pelly
Singing: J. Shaltiel
Narrator: Ch. Nissimov
Animations: M. Somer & M.Abulafia
Concept and director: E. Veber
Cast: R. Goldenberg
Mightbe is the only non-European theatre company to appear at our festival this year. Marking its debut at Bábkarská Bystrica, the ensemble comes all the way from the town of Givatayim, Israel, to present a play that has already met with success at various European theatre festivals.
Otherwise is an unusual theatrical production inspired by A Girl from There, a book that tells the authentic story of author Chava Nissimov. Born in 1939 in Warsaw, Poland, Nissimov grew up “behind a cupboard” in the Jewish ghetto in constant fear that someone may find her. The staging of her book takes the form of a monodrama in which the actress is accompanied on stage only by life-size puppets, video-projections and the authentic voice of Chava Nissimov. A journey into the uncharted territory of human sub-consciousness locked up in an old cupboard, the play consists of the fragments of memories and haunting childhood experiences from the times of the holocaust.
Slovak subtitles.
19.30 a 20.30, The Worker´s house
San Casciano dei Bagni, (IT)
Collective of authors of the Coppelia Theatre
Mechanical Metaphysics
30 min.
Music: S. Bechini
Set design, puppets: J. Biffi
Director: I. Drago et al
Cast: I. Drago & J. Biffi
The Coppelia theatre company has created a piece that stands between art and science, between theatre and dance. Mechanical Metaphysics blends poetry with different technologies. Our Italian guests drew inspiration from surrealistic paintings by Remedios Varo, a prominent Spanish-Mexican para-surrealist paintress who lived in the first half of the 20th century. The show marks the debut of the Coppelia theatre on our festival.
This performance without words unveils the dreams and visions as echoes of the paintress’s unexplored sub-consciousness. The show brings to life three of her most beautiful and most interesting paintings. The mysterious, romantic and ironic story takes the audience on a journey to an unusual and ambiguous world.
Mime show.
22.00, PTAC, auditorium
Bratislava (SK)
Author´s project, inspired by the novels of J. P. Sartre
The Wall
40 min.
Stage design: E. Bréda
Visual artists, directors: K. Aulitisová & M. Plachá
Cast: L.Tešínska, M. Valašík, P. Pavlík
An original project by students currently pursuing their Master’s Studies at the Department of Puppet Creation of the Academy of Performing Art was inspired by three novellas by the great Jean-Paul Sartre – The Wall, Hérostratos and The Great Leader – under the pedagogical guidance of Katarína Aulitisová and Markéta Plachá. The production has had success at theatre festivals in Slovakia as well as abroad.The three students will tell us three stories whose main leitmotifs include freedom, contempt and hatred for people, isolation, seeking the meaning of life and yearning for happiness.
4. 10. 10.00, TOUR, House of Culture Hriňová
Berlín (DE)
W. Erlbruch
The Duck, the Death and the Tulip
55 min., for children over 6 years.
Music: M. E. Drelon
Puppets: S. Köhler
Costumes: G. Keuneke
Director: J. Lehmann
Cast: M. Couturier, H. Ikkola
The German ensemble of Couturier & Ikkola, which is another newcomer to Bábkarská Bystrica, will present a highly-acclaimed and award-winning production. A story for all children between 6 and 99 has been inspired by the book for children of the same name by Wolf Erlbruch.
The duck lives a calm and peaceful life on its home lake. Her careless voyage through life is abruptly interrupted by a strange chance meeting when an unwelcomed guest, namely Death, shows up at the lake. You can look forward to a sensitive, emotional and humorous tale about how a duck managed to befriend death.
Simultaneous translation.
10.00, TOUR, SNM- Museum of Puppet Culture and Toys, Modrý Kameň *
Labyrinth of Dreaming Objects
For the first time in the history of our festival, we will organise a creative masterclass that will begin September 27, 2016, at the Modrý Kameň castle. This puppet theatre workshop is a loose continuation of Begin the Eviction!, a site-specific workshop that was part of the festival’s previous edition at the Radvaň Castle. After a full week of intense work, the participants will present the outcome of their creative effort on the festival’s final day.
The participants of this year’s creative masterclass will immerse into the Labyrinth of Dreaming Objects as the theme of the workshop was inspired by the literary works of Walter Moers and his concept of a large urban district that is inhabited solely by puppeteers.
Robert Jarosz, a Polish theatre director/dramatist who divides his time between working at the theatre and teaching at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw and the Puppetry Art Department of the Białystok Theatre Academy. Currently, he is Artistic Director of the Guliwer Puppet Theatre in Warsaw. Jarosz is an award-winning director of theatre productions for young audiences, para-theatrical projects, installations and performances.
Justyna Czarnota, a Polish theatre pedagogue. In 2010 she joined the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw where she currently heads the department of theatre pedagogics. She is a member of the Association of Theatre Pedagogues and a research fellow of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland. Czarnota designs original projects aimed at spreading education and culture.
* Festival guests will be bussed to the performance; the shuttle bus will wait in front of PTAC at 8.30 a.m.
*Plánovaný odvoz hostí a hostiek festivalu, autobus bude pristavený pred BDNR o 8.30 hod.
16.00,PTAC, auditorium
Banská Bystrica (SK)
Collective of authors
Slovak Language Teaching Course
75 min.
Dramaturgical cooperation: J. Pecková
Language editor: L. Urbancová
Music cooperation: J. Haško
Set decoration: K. Lucinkiewiczová
Script, director: T. Škrabálková
Cast: P. Butkovský, J. Smutný, A. Sušilová, A. Zemaníková
The Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads has become known for its passion for transgressing and contravening all kinds of standards. Its output for the adults features various projects that discuss issues such as metamorphoses, extremism, verbal violence, social status of women, etc. Most recently, the ensemble appeals to young people through its project entitled Slovak Language Teaching Course, which takes you on a journey through the language, into Slovak and toward yourselves.We invite you to a crash course through the joys and pains of Slovak language. We shall explore it from various viewpoints including history, codification, slang, gender, etc. Applying strictly theatrical means of expression, we are trying to capture the essence of Slovak language.The show is a moving and measured play with sounds, syllables and sentences. During the regular season, it is followed by a seminar with the audience under the guidance of Slovak language lecturers.
18.30, The Worker ´s House
Malovice (CZ)
K. Šobáňová, Z. Smolová, P. Štourač et al
The Eighth Day
65 min.
Set design: H. Štouračová, M. Puhač
Music: A. La Rocca
Director: P. Štourač
Cast: K. Šobáňová, M. Janda, S. McGehee, S. Bocchini, A. La Rocca
A renowned alternative theatre, Continuo combines different kinds of art without any categorisation. Its artistic output is determined by individual projects. The ensemble strives to blend authentic personal experience with visual art, physical theatre, rhythm, voice and live music. Their festival piece has been inspired by the oldest mentions of the genesis of our world. The Eighth Day comprises fragments of various myths, tales and poems from the ancient times. In blending physical and puppet theatre with live music, the authors have managed to create several original stories about human existence and everything it entails
20.30, Štúdio tanca
Bratislava (SK)
I. Brežná, K. Aulitisová
On the Wings of Hens
100 min.
Dramaturgy: K. Jánošová
Set design, costumes, objects: M. Plachá
Music: L.Chuťková
Adaptation & director: K. Aulitisová
Cast: A. Čonková, J. Piktorová, J. Sovičová, J. Hupková, L. Tandara, P. Pavlík, M. Dudková, S. Fico, M. Kalinková, R. Laurinec
The Bratislava Puppet Theatre on the programme of Second Impulse is certainly one of the surprises of this year’s edition. Currently, the theatre’s repertoire includes a single production for adult audiences. Katarína Aulitisová brought to stage a novel by renowned Swiss author Irena Brežná who had become known among Banská Bystrica theatre-goers mostly thanks to PTAC’s adaptation of her other novel, A Letter to the Black Son.
The staging tells the story of Jana who is growing up in socialist Czechoslovakia in the 1950s, addressing the issues of coming of age amidst the building enthusiasm of the communist regime. At the same time, it gives a testimony of the terror and thraldom, about the unexplained disappearances of people and their relatives, including Jane’s mother… On the Wings of Hens will take us back in time with the help of visual, motion and physical theatre