9.00, PTAC, auditorium
Bologna (ITA)
R. Frabetti, B. Cappagli
The Boat and the Moon
35 min., for children over 12 months.
Music: R. Tesi
Set design: B. Burgio
Costumes: T. Eick
Directors: B. Cappagli and V. Frabetti
Cast: C. Zini
In 1987, La Baracca became the first theatre company to specialise in theatre performances designed for infants. In 2005, it initiated founding of Small Size, a professional artists’ training organisation that specifically focuses on theatrical productions for children between zero and three. These pioneers of the path that brings the art of theatre to the youngest of us will have a premiere at the festival.
The ensemble will present a story about a boat that has a big dream: it wants to leave the sea and set sail on the Moon; unfortunately, it cannot fly and the Moon is too far away. A magical story on fulfilling dreams and secret wishes has sailed to us from Italian Bologna, the capital of theatre for toddlers.
In Slovak.
11.15, TOUR,House of Culture Ostrý Grúň*
Banská Bystrica (SVK)
B. Schenková
Two Tales on the Tummy: Jurko with a Goat and Of the Good One and the Lazy One
50 min., for children over 3 years.
Music: J. Štromská
Set decoration: B. Zichová
Script, director: B. Schenková
Cast: M. Šamajová, P. Butkovský
As part of the TOUR 2016, the Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads will stage a play directed by Czech actress and director Bela Schenková, founder of the ANPU experimental theatre.
Production Two Tales on the Tummy is an untraditional and modern take on the traditional method of playing puppet theatre for children. Bela Schenková found inspiration in a story by Karel Jaromír Erben, Jurko with a Goat, and an Old-Czech folk fairy tale, Of the Good One and the Lazy One, to create a story that comes to you on a tummy. Literally!
12.15 / Wreath Laying Ceremony
15.00, PTAC, auditorium
Montecchio Emilia (IT)
K. Janošková, P. Valli
Through Seagulls’ Eyes
45 min., for children over 2 years
Choreography: C. Monti
Directors & cast: K. Janošková, P. Valli
L’Asina Sull’Isolaranks among the most prominent theatre companies in Italy that specialise in puppet theatre in combination with shadow theatre. This is their first appearance at our festival.
Through Seagulls’ Eyes is a story of two seagulls that yearned to fly from the seashore to explore the dryland. A poetic show about friendship and getting to know the world, the sea, the moon, the stars and the rocks, the production is almost mute as it speaks mostly through sounds, music, body movement and, of course, playing with lights and shadows.
In Slovak.
Trnava (SVK)
A. de Saint-Exupéry
The Little Prince
125 min. with an intermission, for children over 10 years
Ján Palárik Theatre is a drama theatre company based in Trnava that also comes to our festival for the first time. Their staging of The Little Prince amply plays with elements of puppet theatre. It is a unique and eye-opening attempt at blending genres in which classical theatre gradually opens to alternative theatricals.
Adapting a classic story about a meeting of a pilot and a little prince in the desert, this poetic puppetry production teems with profound thoughts, spiritual symbolism and magical allegories. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is a reflection on the values of human life as well as on the joys and woes of our world. It accentuates the invisible strength of friendship, love and honesty.
Dramatization and translation: P. Palik
Dramaturgy and music: M. Geišberg
Music: I. Liszkayová
Set design, puppets and costumes: E. Farkašová
Light design: J. Jakabčin
Director: P. Palik
Cast: T. Vravník, K. Tóthová, M. Beňuš, B. Mosný, A. Vojteková, T. Mosný, S. Holečková
9.00, PTAC, auditorium KOLIBRI SZÍNHÁZ
Budapest (HUN)
Barbara Kölling et al
Dot, Dot, Comma
30 min. + 30 min. playing, for children over 2 years.
Music: S. Bornai
Set design: K. Orosz
Director: B. Kölling
Cast: B. Tisza, S. Ruszina, D. Nizsai, S. Bornai
Kolibri Színház is a very popular Hungarian theatre company that focuses on children and youth. In 2009, it joined the Small Size organisation initiated by La Baracca. At the festival, it will stage a play directed by prominent German director Barbara Kölling from HELIOS, a renowned German theatre company those in the know consider the top notch in the field of theatre for infants.
Have you ever thought about what was first? Was it light? Or water? The world? A ball? Perhaps many balls? And then what? Using only clay and three twigs, three actors and one musician will play you a story how the world really came to be. It was a dot, a dot, a comma and then…
Mime show.
11.15, TOUR, Culture House DIVÍN*
Brno (CZE)
Students of Drama Education for the Deaf
60 min., for children over 4 years.
Set design, costumes, directors & cast: B. Dohnalová, N. Váňová, N. Jáňová
Pedagogical guidance: M. Jirásková, V. Gottwald, Z. Mikotová, A. Kratochvílová, V. Broulíková
Drama Education for the Deaf was founded in 1992 thanks to initiative by Professor Zoja Mikotová. Its students come to our festival with their book-based performances that have a long tradition at the school. With the help of gestures, sign language, body movements and books, the three actresses will tell stories that will allow the audience to explore not only the world of fairy tales but also the world of hearing impaired.
The production of Tales comprises three fairy tales. Festival-goers can look forward to new staging of a classic Czech tale, The Big Beet, a poetic story about an untypical friendship, The Seagull and the Cat, and a variation on Exupéry’s classic, The Little Traveller.
15.00., PTAC auditorium
Poznań (POL)
M. Guśniowska
Holy Molly – what a Goose!
55 min., for children over 9 years.
Music: P. Nazaruk
Set design: J. Skuratova
Director: M. Guśniowska
Cast: M. Guśniowska, M. Ryl-Krystianowski, M. A. Cyris, M. Ryl-Krystianowska, K. Dutkiewicz
A prominent Polish dramatist for children, Marta Guśniowska, is visiting the festival as the director of her own piece, Holy Molly – what a Goose! In her plays, Guśniowska explores various issues of life, encoding and personifying human relations into the world of animals. Her writing is rife with kind humour, which makes her messages more easily acceptable by audiences. The show marks the premiere of Teatr Animacji from Poznań at our festival.
Holy Molly – what a Goose! is a show that has won numerous theatre awards in Poland. It tells a story of a sad goose. Sadness sticks to her like a wet leaf to the sole of your shoe on a rainy autumn day. We invite you to join us on a journey to seek happiness that may knock on every door… even the symbolic one in the world of Guśniowska’s goose.
Slovak subtitles.
17.00, The Workers’ House
Budmerice (SVK)
E. E. Schmitt, P. Dušová, D.A. Dabek
45 min., for children over 12 years.
Music: B. E. Szczepanski
Set design: E. Farkašová
Director: P. Dušová, D. A. Dabek
Cast: P. Dušová
Teátro Neline is a one-woman theatre run by Petronela Dušová who appears on the festival for the first time. In her latest production, the author/director/actress embarked on tackling a difficult issue that defies repertoire clichés of puppet fairy tales and should be discussed especially with children.
Oskar tells a moving story about a person trying to come to terms with death. The play emphasises the values of friendship and love for one’s nearest and dearest. Through the character of Oskar, it seeks answers to frequently tabooed issues and encourages us to confront the inseparable yet incomprehensible aspects of our lives.
19.00, State Opera
Praha (CZE)
50 min., for children over 12 years.
Supervision: S. N’Duhirahe
Music: S. Abrahám
Choreography assistance: M. Hieu Nguyen, I. Jäntti, J. Vrána
Costumes: Y. Hayashi
Concept & choreography & cast: E. Brtnická
Our festival’s dramaturgy strives to provide space to innovative productions using theatrical techniques that may be attractive for the youngest viewers. One of them is the air acrobatic show featuring puppets by the Prague-based ensemble Cirkus Mlejn, which will premiere at Bábkarská Bystrica in all its airy and acrobatic splendour.
ENOLA has been inspired by the legend of a thousand of cranes, the story of those who survived the nuclear explosion at Hiroshima, and Japanese aesthetic concepts; however, it is primarily about whatever rushes through your mind while you follow the story and watch the acrobatic numbers in the air.
9.00, PTAC, auditorium
Bologna (IT)
R. Frabetti, B. Cappagli
The Boat and the Moon
35 min., for children over 12 months.
Music: R. Tesi
Set design: B. Burgio
Costumes: T. Eick
Directors: B. Cappagli and V. Frabetti
Cast: C. Zini
In 1987, La Baracca became the first theatre company to specialise in theatre performances designed for infants. In 2005, it initiated founding of Small Size, a professional artists’ training organisation that specifically focuses on theatrical productions for children between zero and three. These pioneers of the path that brings the art of theatre to the youngest of us will have a premiere at the festival.
The ensemble will present a story about a boat that has a big dream: it wants to leave the sea and set sail on the Moon; unfortunately, it cannot fly and the Moon is too far away. A magical story on fulfilling dreams and secret wishes has sailed to us from Italian Bologna, the capital of theatre for toddlers.
In Slovak.
11.15, TOUR, House of cutlture Ladomerská Vieska *
Pezinok (SK)
Procházková, K.Aulitisová
The Egg-Hatched Grandma
50 min., for children over 4 years.
Music: P. Vaňouček
Set design, puppets & costumes: M. Plachá
Directors & cast: K. Aulitisová, Ľ. Piktor
The PIKI theatre is one of those ensembles that have become household names in Banská Bystrica. This time, they are arriving at the festival with their Peculiarly Ideal Strolling Initiative to perform a puppet show full of slapstick, grotesque, and pantomime, which is basically a visually rich and well-thought-out surprise story about a miracle!
What good is it to have a queen for mommy and a playful daddy if they never find the time for anything? A show about a small egg that hatched out to reveal a big miracle that changed everything, even the parents!
15.00, PTAC, auditorium
Berlín (DE)
W. Erlbruch
The Duck, the Death and the Tulip
55 min., for children over 6 years.
Music: M. E. Drelon
Puppets: S. Köhler
Costumes: G. Keuneke
Director: J. Lehmann
Cast: M. Couturier, H. Ikkola
The German ensemble of Couturier & Ikkola, which is another newcomer to Bábkarská Bystrica, will present a highly-acclaimed and award-winning production. A story for all children between 6 and 99 has been inspired by the book for children of the same name by Wolf Erlbruch.
The duck lives a calm and peaceful life on its home lake. Her careless voyage through life is abruptly interrupted by a strange chance meeting when an unwelcomed guest, namely Death, shows up at the lake. You can look forward to a sensitive, emotional and humorous tale about how a duck managed to befriend death.
Simultaneous translation.
17.00, State opera
Bielsko-Biała (PL)
R. Kipling, R Jędrzejewska-Wróbel
The Jungle Book
60 min. Comprehensibility: children over 6 years.
Set design: J. Skuratova
Music: W. Błażejczyk
Director: E. Piotrowska
Cast: M. Bulska, M. Byrska, M. Obidowska, D.Włoszek, W. Aniszewski, K. Ignatowski, W. Pohl, Z. Ptaszkowski
Teatr lalek Banialuka is another regular at our festival. This year they are going to present a production for the whole family that has won several theatrical guild awards in Poland. Inspired by Kipling’s bestseller, the staging employs different forms of puppet theatre and original masks.
This interpretation of The Jungle Book is about conquering fear and overcoming one’s misgivings. Alica is an obedient daughter of caring and wise parents. Thanks to making friends from the animal world and understanding their just rules, she finds courage and confidence in her.
Slovak subtitles.
21.00, PTAC,auditorium
Banská Bystrica (SK)
M. Ende
Shadow Theatre of Lady Ophelia
80 min. Comprehensibility: children over 6 years.
Dramatization: E. Hoffmanová
Set decoration: I. Macková
Music: R.Mankovecký
Director: M. Pecko
Cast: P. Butkovský, M. Mackurová, M. Šamajová, A. Zemaníková
The production is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of founding a professional puppet theatre in Banská Bystrica. A story by Michael Ende, a famous author for children and youth, has become the source of inspiration for the local puppeteers who managed to create a magical, mysterious and mind-pleasing performance for children and grown-ups.
Unfolding before us is a story of feeble Ophelia who spent her life working in the theatre as a prompter. One day, quite unexpectedly, she begins to be visited by shadows. The friendship between Ophelia and the shadows is the beginning of this peculiar tale about overcoming loneliness, old age and sorrow. The show is a celebration of theatre, fantasy and immortal power of dreams.