Elia Moretti (CZ/IT)

He is member of the executive board of the theatre company Continuo. He is researching the field of stage music and etnomusicology and also pedagogical activity.  In 2014 he graduated Conservatory of Piacenza. He  has got bachal degree in Percussions with a project on rearrangement Armenian folklore and the compositions of Paul Motian. Maestro Umberto Petrin and Stefano Bagnoli. Moretti also graduated at the Alma mater ticinensis studiorum, University of Pavia, Degree in Political science, degree in cooperation and development. In 2016 he started new research and anthropological theatre project in Transylvania. One year before he made research in ethnomusicological project funded by the Ministry of culture of Czech Republic. “Imaginary Folklore in South Eastern Moravia: An Ecological Approach”. 

Progressive art in the village 

What makes the Plum Yard unique is an unusual synergy between an established company, i.e. Continuo and the specific environment with which Continuo interacts. The article will give a specific perspective of participation in social organization and alternative models of democracy, by a unique ecological approach in cultural perception. In which way does Continuo offer a new means of communication with the community? What's the role of art in understanding how the concept of the social environment is changing in our contemporaneity? We will discuss these questions taking as example the activities of Continuo in its atypical socioenvironmental position.
